Tag: Week-7

  • Concrete Skills

    For this post, I read about the Concrete Skills pattern. This pattern is about when seeking a new role on a development team, the team may not want to risk the possibility that one may you be able to contribute to the team. They may think this because you may not have much concrete work to show your skillset and prove to teams you are able to contribute. The solution to this problem according to the text, is to acquire and maintain concrete skills. In order to do this, the text suggests collecting CVs of people whose skills you respect. Collecting CVs helps give an idea to what skills are useful and looked for when joining these teams. After learning these skills, then build a project using them to demonstrate that you can apply those newly learned skills.

    I found this pattern to be useful because I am currently in the process of applying to jobs, so this pattern is very prevalent to me. Collecting CVs of those already in the industry, or those with more experience is something I had not thought of. However I believe it is a good way to find skills that you may be missing. Collecting a list of skills is also useful in the sense that common buzzwords used among CVs can be noted to help get past HR filters and managers who construct teams based off of those buzzwords.

    I found the statement that describes hiring managers requiring to take a leap of faith on choosing who they hire, and having concrete work allows you to meet them halfway to be interesting. I found this to be interesting because it changes my perspective on the hiring process.

    This pattern has changed the way I go about looking for new skills to learn. When learning new skills, I sometimes plateau and get overwhelmed with what I should be looking into. Now after reading this pattern, going into the future I will start collecting CVs because having a list of skills will be useful to direct my focus in the skills I should be learning.

  • Version Control

    Version control is a software development process that tracks and manages every change made to a code base. Tracking changes allows developers to be able to see what changes were made, who made them, and when they were made. The history of these changes enables developers to revert changes back to previous versions in case of any irreparable damage.

    Version control allows for multiple developers to work on a project concurrently. When multiple changes are made at once, conflicts can occur. Version control can identify those conflicts to allow development teams to quickly compare the changes and decide how to handle the conflict. Version control streamlines coordination, sharing, and collaboration.

    Types of Version Control Systems

    A version control system (VCS) is the system that tracks changes made to files. Common types of VCSs are distributed and centralized, the latter being most common.

    Centralized VCS (CVCS)

    In a centralized VCS, all files are stored in one central repository where developers work in. The central repository can be hosted on a server or on a local machine. CVCS is most commonly used in projects where teams need to share code and track changes.

    Distributed VCS (DVCS)

    Distributed VCS store files across multiple repositories, allowing developers access to files from multiple locations. DVCS is often used when developers need to work on projects from multiple machines or who collaborate with others remotely.


    Less commonly used, Lock-Based uses file locking to manage concurrent access to files and resources. File locking prevents more than one user to make changes to a file or resource at a time, eliminating conflict changes.


    Optimistic VCS gives every developer their own private workspace. Once changes are made and are ready to be shared, a request is made to the server. Then the server looks at the changes and determines which can be safely merged together.

    Popular Version Control Systems


    The most popular of version control systems. Git is an open-source distributed version control system that can be used with software projects of any size. This makes Git a popular choice for most, no matter the project.

    Subversion (SVN)

    Subversion is a centralized VCS; therefore, all project files are kept in one main repository. This makes branching impossible, allowing for easier scalability for large projects. A form of file locking is in place, allowing users to restrict access to subfolders.


    Mercurial is another distributed version control system. Mercurial offers an intuitive command line interface that allows developers to use this system immediately.


    I chose this resource because it clearly explains what version control is and why it’s important. Before reading this article, I was unaware of the different types of version control systems, and the popular choices that implement them such as Subversion. I also learned when each type of VCS might be more useful than another. This is only the beginning of my knowledge of version control systems. As my journey into software development continues, my understanding of VCSs will only broaden.



  • Object Oriented Programming Principles

    In object oriented programming there are four basic principles: Encapsulation, Abstraction, Inheritance, and Polymorphism. These principles are fundamental such that they are referred to as the four pillars of object oriented programming.


    Encapsulation is hiding or protecting data about a class. This can be achieved by restricting access to public methods. Variables within a class are kept private, while accessor methods are kept public in order to access the private variables.

    Encapsulating data helps prevents unauthorized modifications of data by only allowing access to the data using the defined accessor methods. For example, when adding variables to a class rather than accessing/modifying them directly, one would create “getter” and “setter” methods that would still be able to access the data. These methods would allow users the same functionality, but without the risk of undesired changes.


    Abstraction is showing only relevant data of classes. Abstraction enables working with high level mechanisms of a class rather than the specific details of implementation, thus reducing complexity.

    Picture a system storing different types of vehicles. Rather than creating different concrete classes for each type of vehicle, abstraction can be applied to create one class, ‘Vehicle’, that has the frameworks of basic behaviors and attributes that all vehicles have. These could include methods and attributes such as ‘start()’ and ‘stop()’, and ‘make’ and ‘model’. Then classes for each type of vehicle can be made to extend the ‘Vehicle’ class. Classes that extend ‘Vehicle’ can add specific implementations to the methods and attributes, depending on the vehicle.


    Inheritance can be defined as having a “is-a”/”has-a” relationship between a parent class and it’s child classes. The child class derives all methods and attributes from the parent class, enabling reuse of code, but also allowing the addition of unique attributes and methods.

    Imagine a system for a college representing faculty and students. A parent class, ‘Person’, is created for common data among all people at the college such as ‘name’ and ’email’. Child classes of ‘Person’ can be created such as ‘Faculty’ and ‘Student’. Both child classes would inherit ‘name’ and ’email’ from the ‘Person’ class, while unique information can be added to each of the child classes. Unique attributes could include ‘gpa’ for ‘Student’ and ‘salary’ for ‘Faculty’.


    Polymorphism can be simply put as reusing code with different types of objects, reducing code redundancy.

    Using an interface called ‘Shape’ with method ‘calculateArea()’, different types of shapes can implement ‘calculateArea()’ and change how the specific shape uses the method. For example a square would calculate the area differently than a circle. However, both can still use ‘calculateArea()’ due to polymorphism.


    As we learned earlier in the semester, many of us did not have a complete understanding of the four principles above, which is why I chose to learn more about them. After reading the blog, I now better understand the differences and why each of the principles are important. I will be implementing these principles into all future projects.


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