Levels of Testing

Levels of testing refers to the different stages of testing software during the development cycle. Each level of testing aims to test specific aspects of the functionality of the software. The most common types of testing levels are unit, integration, system, and acceptance testing. Unit tests focuses on individual components, or units, of the system such as functions. Integration testing is used to ensure that these units work together as intended. System tests verify that the entire system meets the requirements specified by the customer. Acceptance testing is similar to system testing in that the whole system is verified. However while system testing tests the entire system, acceptance testing tests the final system.

Unit Testing

Unit testing is conducted at the code level, where each individual component is tested and the results are analyzed. Rather than manually testing each component, automating unit tests is highly recommended to reduce errors in analyzing and for increased efficiency. When making a unit test, an outline stating the expected results of the code should be made.

An example of an outline for a unit test for a calculator app that simply adds to numbers together would look like:

  • Program should accept two numbers
  • Program should return the sum of the two given numbers
  • Program should handle negative values appropriately

Once the outline for the unit tests are made, then the actual code for the unit test should be written. The test will then check the code to verify it is doing what is expected once the test has run.

Integration Testing

Integration testing tests groups of individual components that are integrated into a system. This type of testing helps to identify any issue that may occur from coding errors or errors from the integration between units.

System Testing

System testing is performed on the application as a whole. All components are assessed against specific requirements made by the customer.

Acceptance Testing

Acceptance testing involves testing the final system. This includes the system’s functional and non-functional aspects such as performance, security, usability, and more. In this testing level, end users are given access to the software to ensure the end users’ needs are being met.


This resource was chosen because it clearly described the different testing levels, their purpose, and why each level is important. I enjoyed reading this article because it was written in a way that made understanding easy. In the future, when creating a complex system, I will be sure to follow the different stages of testing at the appropriate time in the development cycle to prevent issues later in development.



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